Analyzing the probability of success, ranking the potential of the remaining exploration prospects in study area, Nam Con Son basin, and proposing further plans

  • Minh Hai Hoang Bien Dong Petroleum Operating Company (Bien Dong POC)
  • Anh Quan Ngo Bien Dong Petroleum Operating Company (Bien Dong POC)
  • Dinh Thi Vu Bien Dong Petroleum Operating Company (Bien Dong POC)
  • Quan Phong Nguyen Bien Dong Petroleum Operating Company (Bien Dong POC)
  • Sy Hai Luong Bien Dong Petroleum Operating Company (Bien Dong POC)
  • Ngoc The Hung Tran Bien Dong Petroleum Operating Company (Bien Dong POC)
  • Duc Hoa Vu Bien Dong Petroleum Operating Company (Bien Dong POC)
  • Tolstikin Pavel Gazprom International Limited
  • Koltsov Sergey Gazprom International Limited
  • Kurianova Mariia Gazprom International Limited
Keywords: Prospect, probability of success, Nam Con Son basin


petroleum prospect, especially for those in areas with unique characteristics, complex geology, and high drilling cost. In the article, the probabilities of geological success of the structures are analyzed based on the results of seismic interpretation, well logs, important geological parameters, etc., then combined with the hydrocarbon initial in place (HIIP) to rank, from high to low potential, the remaining prospects of the study area in the Nam Con Son basin.

The economic assessment shows that there are 3 most potential prospects with positive EMV, which are being considered targets for the next expanded exploration campaign in the study area. Given that they are located in the area with complex geological characteristics, high drilling costs, and unforeseen risks since the existing 3D seismic data were acquired and processed many years ago, etc., the authors have proposed some further exploration steps for the selected prospects.


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How to Cite
Hoang, M. H., Ngo, A. Q., Vu, D. T., Nguyen, Q. P., Luong, S. H., Tran, N. T. H., Vu, D. H., Pavel, T., Sergey, K., & Mariia, K. (2024). Analyzing the probability of success, ranking the potential of the remaining exploration prospects in study area, Nam Con Son basin, and proposing further plans. Petrovietnam Journal, 1, 12-22.