Preparation of micro-bubble (Aphron) drilling fluid used in low pressure reservoirs

  • Nguyen Tuan Anh
  • Ta Quang Minh
  • Nguyen Thi Thu Hien
Keywords: Drilling fluid, micro-bubble, Aphron, low pressure reservoirs


The paper presents the process of preparing micro-bubble (Aphron) drilling fl uid, which mainly comprises an anionic surfactant (SLES), a xanthan gum polymer and a two-component surfactant system of NP9/SLES. The proportions of these components were also optimised. Core-fl ood testing with Bach Ho’s core samples at 120oC showed that this drilling fl uid could prevent fl uid from penetrating into the core better than the polymer-clay drilling fl uidcurrently used at Vietsovpetro. Moreover, the return permeability of these core samples was nearly 90% of the original ones, which demonstrates that Aphron drilling fl uid could be easily removed from the reservoir, hence reducing formation damage.


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How to Cite
Anh, N. T., Minh, T. Q., & Hien, N. T. T. (2016). Preparation of micro-bubble (Aphron) drilling fluid used in low pressure reservoirs. Petrovietnam Journal, 1, 28-39. Retrieved from

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