Gas hydrate evidences and prospective areas in the East Sea of Vietnam

  • Trinh Xuan Cuong
  • Nguyen Manh Hung
  • Nguyen Hoang Son
  • Ta Quang Minh
Keywords: Gas hydrate, gas hydrate evidence, East Sea, gas hydrate potential, GHSZ, BSR


Gas hydrate existence has been proven by direct and indirect data gathered in the East Sea and adjacent areas (Shenshu, North West of Hoang Sa, Blocks 129 - 132, and deep sea offshore of Brunei). Seismic data indicates clear gas hydrate evidences in many places such as the West of Hoang Sa, the Centre of Phu Khanh basin, the North East of Nam Con Son basin and the Centre of Vung May area. Available evidences show that the areas overlaying the defined Tertiary basins such as Phu Khanh, Nam Con Son and Vung May may have higher gas hydrate potential. In the studied areas, at the water depth of 550m (about 7.8oC), the methane gas hydrate may exist in the subsurface sediments. The thickness of the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) in the methane gas case increases from shelf slope/higher areas (0 - 120m) toward the centre of the East Sea (up to 200m or thicker). Based on seismic and magnetic data and others, 11 areas have been defined with different gas hydrate potential in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of Vietnam (within 200 miles). The East Sea spreading area has the least potential, whilst other areas rank from average to high. The ranking of potential in descending order can be as follows: (1) North East of Nam Con Son basin, (2) Centre of Vung May basin, (3) Centre of Phu Khanh basin, and (4) East of Hoang Sa.


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How to Cite
Cuong, T. X., Hung, N. M., Son, N. H., & Minh, T. Q. (2016). Gas hydrate evidences and prospective areas in the East Sea of Vietnam. Petrovietnam Journal, 7, 23-32. Retrieved from

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