Microbubble drilling fluid (aphron): New technology for drilling in depleted reservoirs

  • Nguyen Tuan Anh
  • Ta Quang Minh
  • Vu An
  • Phan Trong Hieu
  • Hoang Mai Chi
  • Tran Thanh Phuong
  • Nguyen Thi Thu Hien
  • Vu Thiet Thach
Keywords: Aphron, microbubble drilling fluid


Lost circulation is a severe problem in drilling processes, especially in depleted zones. Microbubble (aphron) drilling fluid is a novel technology that possesses excellent advantages compared with other lost circulation prevention methods. The three-layer structure of microbubbles not only lessens the density of fluids, but also acts as stable bridging materials by which cracks in depleted zones could be sealed effectively. These features result in successfully reducing lost circulation. Though possessing an excellent potential for preventing lost circulation, this kind of fluid has not yet been studied in Vietnam. This paper will briefly introduce the topic of microbubble drilling fluid, including the structure and composition of aphron, how this fluid works and recent developments of this technique in drilling oil fields around the world.


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How to Cite
Anh, N. T., Minh, T. Q., An, V., Hieu, P. T., Chi, H. M., Phuong, T. T., Hien, N. T. T., & Thach, V. T. (2014). Microbubble drilling fluid (aphron): New technology for drilling in depleted reservoirs. Petrovietnam Journal, 6, 24-33. Retrieved from http://pvj.vn/index.php/TCDK/article/view/571

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