Study on manufacturing demulsifier to separate water from crude oil to ensure quality requirements during production operations

  • Le Thai Son
  • Tran Thanh Phuong
  • Vu An
  • Tran Hung Son
  • Ta Quang Minh
  • Phan Trong Hieu
  • Cao Huy Hiep
  • Vu Ngoc Doan
Keywords: Demulsifier, formulation for demulsifier, oil-soluble demulsifier


In this study, demulsifier for crude oil emulsion from Bach Ho MSP801-819 is prepared by mixing polymers acting as flocculants, solvents and promoter. Based on the experimental results, the authors have selected the optimal chemical components for the demulsifier.
The properties of demulsifier was determined based on the testing standard of Vietsovpetro (I-VC-03 VSP), while the authors compared and evaluated the efficiency of the prepared demulsifier with commercial demulsifier. The result shows that the prepared demulsifier has good compatibility with deoiler and the same efficiency of water separation in comparison with commercial demulsifier at concentration of 100ppm.


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How to Cite
Son, L. T., Phuong, T. T., An, V., Son, T. H., Minh, T. Q., Hieu, P. T., Hiep, C. H., & Doan, V. N. (2014). Study on manufacturing demulsifier to separate water from crude oil to ensure quality requirements during production operations. Petrovietnam Journal, 12, 32-43. Retrieved from

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