Turbidite facies of Co To archipelago, northeast Vietnam

  • Nguyen Van Kieu Vietnam Petroleum Institute & AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
  • Bui Viet Dung Vietnam Petroleum Institute
  • Bui Huy Hoang Vietnam Petroleum Institute
  • Nguyen Quang Tuan Vietnam Petroleum Institute
Keywords: Turbidite facies, deep- marine deposits, submarine fan, Co To archipelago, Thanh Lan island


The paper presents a detailed facies analysis of the turbidite system of Co To formation in the Co To archipelago including the islands of Big Co To, Small Co To and Thanh Lan. Based on the analysis of sediment bedding, sediment structure and grain-sized trends, 7 sedimentary facies are recognised as a record of the principal modes of sediment deposition. The results show that the recurring development of sedimentary facies within the turbidite system in the Co To archipelago can be grouped into distinct facies associations (FA): slope with channels and slump deposit (FA1), basin floor fans with the common occurrence of inner fan-channel complex (FA2), middle-fan lobes (FA3) and outer-fan distal lobes (FA4). These facies associations represent the turbidite system with the extensive development of NE-SW submarine fan, along the islands of Thanh Lan, Small Co To and Big Co To.


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How to Cite
Van Kieu, N., Viet Dung, B., Bui Huy, H., & Nguyen Quang , T. (2021). Turbidite facies of Co To archipelago, northeast Vietnam. Petrovietnam Journal, 7, 4 - 15. https://doi.org/10.47800/PVJ.2021.07-01