Payment for forest environmental services: From theory to practice in Petrovietnam power plants

  • Vi Sa Tu Vietnam Oil and Gas Group
Keywords: Forest environmental service fees, power plant, environmental economics, sustainable development


Acorrding to Vietnam Forest Protection and Development Fund’s report, over the past 10 years, the total payment for forest environmental services has reached more than 25,000 billion VND [1]. Of this amount, power plants with capital contribution from Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam) have contributed over 260 billion VND in forest environmental service fees. However, power plants in general have to face common difficulties when having to pay for forest environmental service fees from their own production and business funds without being able to account for it into electricity prices.
The article focuses on evaluating theoretical principles, current policies, and the effectiveness of the forest environmental service payment mechanism, concentrating on the case of oil and gas power plants. Research results indicate the need to continue improving policies to balance environmental protection goals and business efficiency, especially the need to solve the issue of incorporating forest environmental service costs into electricity prices in power purchase agreements.


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Các loại dịch vụ môi trường rừng và các đối tượng phải chi trả phí dịch vụ môi trường rừng
How to Cite
Tu, V. S. (2024). Payment for forest environmental services: From theory to practice in Petrovietnam power plants. Petrovietnam Journal, 2, 70-78.