Application of Ziegler & Nichols’ experiment method for calculating the parameters for flow controllers in the petroleum industry
PID controllers with 3 control parameters (P – proportional, I – integral, and D – derivative) are widely used to aintain fl ow rate and other variables of various processes at set values in Petrovietnam’s petrochemical plants. In order to ensure the proper function of these controllers, suitable control parameters of P, I and D need to be found.
The Ziegler & Nichols’ experiment method has been applied for calculating the P, I and D parameters for the PID controllers because it is rather simple, fast, eff ective and correct. The critical process variables at the plants have, therefore, been kept stable at setpoints, resulting in the production of high quality products.
Bruce R.Whalen. Basic of instrumentation. Petroleum extension Service, division of continuing Education. University of Texas at Austin. 1983.
Hoàng Minh Sơn. Giáo trình Cơ sở hệ thống điều khiển quá trình. Nhà xuất bản Bách khoa Hà Nội. 2009.
J.G.Ziegler and N.B.Nichols. Optimum settings for automatic controllers. Trans. ASME. 1942; 64: p. 759 - 768.

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