Study of possible product diversification to improve Ca Mau Fertiliser Plant’s performance

  • Phan Gia Tieu Cam
  • Truong Minh Hue
Keywords: Ca Mau Fertiliser Plant, product diversifi cation


Product diversification is a solution to reduce risk, provide the possibility of flexible changes of the product structure to meet market situation and improve production and business performance. This paper presents the possibility of product diversifi cation for Ca Mau Fertiliser Plant on the criteria of taking full advantage of the sources of raw matertials, the infrastructure and facilities of the plant. On the basis of several factors, such as diversifi cation trend/experiences of global urea plants, products and raw materials markets, production technology and capacity, the ability
to integrate with existing urea production lines, total capital investment and economiceff ectiveness, the authors ropose an investment roadmap and production options for NPK fertiliser and food-grade CO2 as potential products for Ca Mau Fertiliser Plant.


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How to Cite
Cam, P. G. T., & Hue, T. M. (2014). Study of possible product diversification to improve Ca Mau Fertiliser Plant’s performance. Petrovietnam Journal, 2, 38-44. Retrieved from